signal: Deliver all of the siginfo perf data in _perf
[linux-2.6-microblaze.git] / tools / memory-model / linux-kernel.cfg
1 macros linux-kernel.def
2 bell linux-kernel.bell
3 model
4 graph columns
5 squished true
6 showevents noregs
7 movelabel true
8 fontsize 8
9 xscale 2.0
10 yscale 1.5
11 arrowsize 0.8
12 showinitrf false
13 showfinalrf false
14 showinitwrites false
15 splines spline
16 pad 0.1
17 edgeattr hb,color,indigo
18 edgeattr co,color,blue
19 edgeattr mb,color,darkgreen
20 edgeattr wmb,color,darkgreen
21 edgeattr rmb,color,darkgreen